There are loads of benefits to sending your children back to school
WG video outlining the importance of sending your child back to school
Here's a link to our FAQs page on return I wylio'r animeiddiad yn Gymraeg
100% attendance is the best way to ensure your child reaches their academic potential. It also develops their social and interaction skills, and makes our school a better place to be!
We take this matter very seriously at Grangetown and encourage parents to consider the effects of absence on their child’s education.
Please contact the school (by 9.30am at the latest) if your child will not be coming to school. If we haven’t heard from you by 9.30am we will contact you for an explanation and will maintain contact throughout the absence. Registers close at 9.25am. If your child arrives after this time they are considered to absent for that session.
We need to be aware of medical, dental, optician appointments so that absences are recorded as authorised; school office staff will ask to view appointment cards. However, unless these are urgent, we expect them to be taken outside of school hours.
The Deputy Headteacher, and our School Attendance Officer (SAO) work together to closely monitor children’s attendance. We will send letters, and hold meetings with you, if your child’s attendance or punctuality is giving cause for concern. Our aim is always to offer support in helping you get your child into school. However, if absence or punctuality remains persistent, a referral will be made to the SAO who will further explore the situation with parents and find ways to improve it.
Please be aware that:
- Fixed Penalty Notices will be issued to parents for persistent absence and/or lateness
- Absences of more than four school weeks will lead to pupils being removed from roll.
- We strongly urge parents not to take their children out of school for family holidays.
For further information please ask to see the Deputy Head, we also have an Attendance Policy (see link below) which gives more details.